The Bingham Fam

Mike, Amy, Dillon, Taya, and Beckham
Est. Aug. 15 2002

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Game 4

Game 4 was played on a day that the temperature was supposed to reach 102 degrees!  Thank goodness the game was at 9:00 am so it was only high 80s!

Dillon wasn't feeling very well the morning before the game but he was adamant that he would NOT miss his game.  He played exeptionally well and showed no signs of feeling under the weather!

He has been so much more aggressive and gets the ball all the time.

Beckham was the only spectator I got a pic of...he sure was happy to be there!

 Dillon just got done kicking the corner kick...action shot!

Action shot...going after the ball!

Dillon just informed me that I take good pics.  He loves looking at the pictures and remembering what he was doing at that time.  He can't get enough soccer!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

6 months old...

Beckham had his 6 month check up on Thursday.  His stats are:
Height:  27 3/4 inches (84 percentile)
Weight:  19.3 lbs. (76 percentile)

He is a healthy little/big guy!  Here's some stuff Beckham has been up to lately:
Rolling back and forth
He sleeps through the night (has for months)
Almost sitting up (he still kinda folds in half)
He does lots of smiling
He puts all his toys in his mouth
He really likes to slobber (no teeth yet)
So far he likes to eat pears, sweet potatoes, squash, applesauce, peaches, and green beans.  He likes rice cereal but not oatmeal.

Three words to describe Beckham:  Sweet, happy, loveable.
We love Beckham so much and are so happy he is part of our little fam! 

Game 3

Soccer game number 3!  I was not present at game #3 because I was sick.  Mike captured this photo with his phone.  Dillon scored his first goal!!!  Hooray for Dillon!  Dillon loves playing soccer.  He is constantly asking when his next practice or his next game is.  He is always telling us his strategies for the next game.  He has improved so much.  He is aggressive and goes after the ball.  He is great at dribbling and passing.  He has plans for scoring more goals!  We are so proud of him!

Monday, April 16, 2012


Yep the Easter bunny found us again this year! Dillon and Taya were both pretty excited to see what they had in their baskets.

Taya got a couple of wedding princesses complete with matching prince.

Dillon got the lego star wars he was hoping for!
Taya was so happy with the pretty wedding dresses!
The easter bunny always leaves eggs all over the place!
Here's Dillon's basket.
Taya's basket.
The easter bunny didn't want to fill ALL the eggs with candy because that is just way too much. So this year some of the eggs were filled with a couple coins. (Good thing the easter bunny's vehicle had some change in it!) :)
Who can resist this cute little easter bunny?!
Here's Beckham with his basket of loot...pj's!!!
So after we got home from church I tried to get some pics of the kids. I tried to get them all matchy matching outfits. They each looked super cute but to get a good pic of all three, hah! not possible. So this is the best one.
I thought this one was pretty cute even though neither are looking at the camera.
Taya was super excited to color the eggs. She helped me get everything ready and pretty much did all of them herself, saving one for each of the rest of us.
These are her two favorites! Yes, these are the same silly face eggs we got last year but she picked them out and I really like that it comes with the little cups to put the coloring in.
The rest of us got to do one, so I had to get a pic!
I was very proud of Taya's hair so I had to take a pic!
We had a great Easter! Pretty laid back, just being together! We hope everyone had a great day as well! HAPPY EASTER!

Soccer Game 2

Game 2 was at 8 in the morning. Much more enjoyable than last game (which was at 10). Nice weather not too hot!

Here he is ready to play!
"Yey, go Dillon!"
Action shot
Dillon played goalie at bit at the end of the game. (This other fella is Coach Blaze)
It's so much fun to watch Dillon play! Sure do love this soccer playin boy!

Friday, April 13, 2012

London Bridge is falling down.....

Dillon didn't have school last friday so we took advantage and went on a little road trip to Lake Havasu City AZ. The original London Bridge that used to be in London is now in AZ! Yes the one that has the famous song: London Bridge is falling down....

We spent Thursday night at the London Bridge Resort.
Friday morning we took advantage of the pool. Action shot of Dillon jumping in!
Beckham just chillin. Love the hat!
My two boys! Best buddies!
And there it is The London Bridge!!!
We went and walked across the bridge and came upon this statue of a couple of guys looking at the plans for the bridge. It was purchased from the city of London in 1968 for 2.5 million dollars. Transported to Lake Havasu City and rebuilt for another 7 million. It took 3 years to rebuild and was completed in 1971.
The bricks were all numbered so they could be laid out the exact way they were. (Well that's pretty neat!)
Just a tidbit of history. It really is a beautiful bridge! I'm so glad we got to see it!
We then went and hung out on the beach for a bit and played in the sand.
Collecting seashells!
It was a quick little road trip but it was a lot of fun!

Easter Pageant

On the Wednesday night before Easter we went to Mesa to see the Easter Pageant.

It was on the grounds of the Temple in Mesa. There were a bunch of chairs to sit on or we chose to just chill on a blanket in the back.
We took a picnic with us and just hung out until the show started.
Just some friendly sibling wrestling on the grass!
Beckham was such an angel...he fell asleep right before it started and slept through the whole thing!
Some of the characters from the pageant were walking around so we got a pic.
Cutie pies!
We had a great time! It was a lot of fun and a great way to see the Easter story.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Hooray! Dillon started soccer again! He has been asking for weeks when he gets to play soccer again and the time has finally come! Game 1:

This season the color is light blue and the team name is.....the Scorpions! Yep scorpions again, guess who came up with the name?....yup, Dillon! He suggested scorpions and the team loved it!
Action shot...running up field
Spectator Taya
Spectator Beckham
It's so fun to watch Dillon play! Go Scorpions!