It is a family fun center in Scottsdale. There is an arcade,
go carts, and mini golf among other things. Dillon and Taya
had so much fun playing in the arcade. They got lots of tickets
and prizes!
Dillon got to drive the little go karts all by himself! He
was so excited and he loved it!
Taya wasn't big enough but she had a sucker so she
was happy just to be hangin out!
Dillon is a cautious driver, he wasn't going very fast but
he was making the turns and staying right on the road!
We all went mini golfing. What an adventure! Taya just
had fun carrying her club and pink ball around (she had to
have the pink). Dillon stayed one hole ahead of us and just
played and played.
Mike and Dillon went on some bumper boats together.
They had a blast, Dillon was laughing the whole time! I
tried to get some pics but they were way blurry.
We had so much fun! Dillon keeps asking when we get to
go back.
So much fun! It'll be fun when we get to a point that Ryon can enjoy those things too. :) ps I love Taya's outfit!